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NATIONAL WEBINAR – Awareness Programme on
‘Pharmacovigilance for Ayurved Drugs’

26th March 2021 through ZOOM and was live on YouTube


National webinar on Pharmacovigilance for Ayurved drugs was jointly conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University College of Ayurved and IASTAM India

The field of Pharmacovigilance is growing rapidly and its development is making tremendous impacts in ASU Drugs and pharmaceuticals. This
national webinar is aimed to understand the principles of Pharmacovigilance in Ayurved in view of ADR, misleading advertisements, product development,
challenges and solutions.

184 online delegates participated at the event.

Interactive Conclave on ‘Ayurveda And Viral Infection: Translational Modalities’

13th December 2020 in a semi-virtual mode @ Hotel The Orchid, Pune


Along with the 11th IASTAM Oration and Award Function 2020, the aim of the conclave was to review Viral Disease in the context of preventive and therapeutic solutions based on Ayurveda, develop few hypotheses and evolve modalities that could be utilized for validation
of the hypotheses.

2 Orations with two sessions in a question-answer format focused on translational modalities research and strategic thinking.  The main theme of the conclave revolved around certain key issues where a multidisciplinary integrative approach is needed for viral diseases.

55 in-person attendees and more than 100 online delegates were registered for the event

Seminar on AYUSH Products – Regulatory Aspects for Global Reach

18 February 2019 Pune Poona College of Pharmacy, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University)


This seminar focuses on the 4 Perspectives Pharmaceutical, Ayurvedic, Industry and the challenges in regulatory aspects for the promotion of AYUSH products globally.

Dr. Robin Marles, Senior Scientific Advisor, Health Canada was the Chief Guest and Key note speaker. The Guest of Honour, Dr. S. S. Savrikar, Chairman Scientific Body Pharmacopeia Commission of ISM & H. Shri Chadrakant Bhanushali, Dr. Sunil Baskaran, Dr. Vinod Kuber, Dr. Narendra Bhatt, were the invited speakers. The seminar emphasized on urgent need to evolve AYUSH criteria based on its own needs and experiences that can satisfy global requirements of safety and evidence of use.

Conclave on Cancer Care & Research in AYUSH: Developing a Roadmap

15-17 February 2019, Kochi, Amrita School of Ayurved, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham


The Conclave was organised with the aim to develop a roadmap for Cancer Care and Research through structured deliberations for well-defined endpoints.

✓ 2 orations, 50 Resource Persons, 150 scientific papers, 4 Plenary sessions, Round Table discussion.

4 Sessions- Cancer Prevention; Treatment Modalities; Drug Development; Cancer Biology

In the Round Table there was discussion and debate and it was decided to constitute 4 working groups under the 4 thematic areas of the Conclave designating a convener for each. The members of the working group will take further steps to formulate the Roadmap for Cancer Care and Research from the AYUSH perspective.

International Conference on Challenges for Global Competitiveness of AYUSH and Natural Products

2-4 February 2018 Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University

The aim of the conference was to discuss the challenges for global competitiveness of AYUSH and Natural Products and to explore Integrative Approaches for the AYUSH Product Development with Modern Pharmaceutical Technology.

✓3 orations, 12 key lectures, 300 scientific papers


  • Growing demand for Ayurveda in Europe particularly in German speaking countries – present status and future challenges By Mr. Mark Rosenberg European Academy of Ayurveda – REAA, Birstein, Germany,
  • Of sledge hammers and synapses: traditional medicine in new era of biology by Prof. (Dr.) Larry Walker, University of Mississippi, USA
  • Natural Product Drug Driven Discovery: New Opportunities from New BiologyByDr. Ram Vishwakarma, Director CSIR- IIIM, Jammu, India

Brainstorming Meet on NITI AYOG Initiative the National Commission for Indian Systems of Medicine (NCISM)

17th April 2017,Pune, India

3 Member committee under National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) AAYOG Proposed replacing the Indian Medicine Central Council (IMCC) Act, 1973 by two new acts.

✓ Views were asked from stake holders.

IASTAM Meet (47 Participants)

  • To deliberate on the NITI AAYOG proposal involving academics, practitioners, researchers and industry.
  • To discuss the issues and the impact of the proposed bill in a systematic manner, its impact and to evolve collective viewpoint.

Session I – Introduction: Subject Matter and Scope of Discussion
Session II – Deliberations on Impact
Session III – Deliberations on Issues and Suggestions
Session IV – Recommendations

Mini Symposium on New opportunities in Academic Research in Ayurved

21st February 2017, Pune, India

To introduce, initiate and opportunities to the academic research at national and global level.

Interactive Session on Research in Ayurveda, Epistemology and Modality of Guna.

Moderated and coordinated: Dr. Narendra Bhatt

Experts: Dr. Antonio Morandi; Italy and Dr. S. N. Gupta; Nadiad.

Conclave on Translational Research Opportunity in Ayurveda

18th – 19th February 2017, Varanasi, India

To find out and identify National and Global opportunities and newer scope for translation research and to develop modalities of research for Ayurved. (3 Orations, 3 Keywords)

  • Dr. Simone Hunziker – Globalization of Ayurveda for Sustainable Global Health
  • Dr. Antonio Morandi – Directions of Research for Ayurveda
  • Dr. G. N. Qazi – Medicinal and Aromatic plants- A pivotal & Lifeline sector for Global & Indian TSM

✓ Role of Botanical Translational Research in better health; Dr. A. K. Tripathi

✓ Opportunities in Translational research in Ayurveda; Dr. C. K. Katiyar

✓ Translational research opportunities in Ayurveda; Dr. Narendra Bhatt

Panel Discussions (13 Experts), Scientific Sessions – Parallel (18), Oral papers (72), Poster Presentations (11)

Consultative Meet to Prioritize Ayush Research Activities in the Field of Cancer For International Collaboration

21st and 22nd February 2016

This consultative meet was organized by IASTAM India, at behest of Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India to deliberate on Cancer, an issue of great significance in an outcome oriented manner.

This consultative meet aimed to identify potential therapeutic solutions and AYUSH interventions (therapies) that could help to address one or more aspects in cancer care and cure. More…

ICAAM 2016 – International Conference on Advances in Asian Medicine

Between 3rd to 7th January 2016, Pune, India

This First International Conference for Advances on Asian Medicine- ICAAM 2016 held on 3-7 January 2016, at Hotel Orchid, Balewadi, Pune.

It was indeed a most memorable and historical event in the life span of thirty five years of Indian Association for the study of Traditional Asian Medicine [IASTAM-India],with 700+ delegates including 70 International delegates. Selected 135 scientific papers and 18 posters. More…

Conclave on Asian Medicine: Integrative Potentials

13 & 14 February 2015 Jamnagar, Gujarat

The aim of the conclave was to develop the Asian Medicine through an integrative approach to explore the potential of its basic principles, fundaments, drug, products and health delivery system Conclave was divided in four sessions; i.e.

  • Potentials for effective & economic health & medical care
  • Potentials for learning & knowledge sharing
  • Potential for research & technology development
  • Potentials for industrial & regulatory alliance

Each of the session was chaired by an expert; one lead speaker, and panel of 4-5 experts leading to an Outcome and action plan.

National Symposium Integrative Research – What & How?

Saturday, 3rd March 2012

‘National Symposium on ‘Integrative Research’ aims at to define these approaches and to address the related issues in the form of dialogue and interactive deliberations.

It is structured to raise questions and where the experts are expected to share their views and experiences, their approaches and outcomes and how to continue with further development.

Conclave On Transforming Traditions For Tomorrow’s Health.

30th -31st January 2005, Pune, India.

The objective was to have intellectual churning on issues confronting the sector of traditional medicine in order to precipitate them at a specially constituted forum. The discussion were on –

  • i.Educational reforms
  • ii.Applied research approaches
  • iii.IT as GT (Growth Technology)
  • iv.Competitive benchmarks for the profession.
  • v.Longevity & ageing challenges.

Intellectual Conclave On Ayurved – I

February 2003, New Delhi, India


  • To discuss the major issues related with Ayurved education, research, profession and its role in national healthcare delivery
  • To discuss the relevant items enlisted in the draft ISM document 2002
  • To brain storm about the strategies to be adopted and give suggestions for productive implementation of recommendations emerging from the National Policy Document
  • To discuss the modalities of collaborating with the government programs and policies on ISM.

Symposium On Global Needs Of Ayurveda- How To Meet Them?

January 31st 1999, New Delhi

This symposium was organized to tackle the problems arising in the modern age. Specially invited experts shared their views on education, practice and services, research and development, industrial needs & marketing needs.

National Debate On Therapeutic Pluralism

March 29th 1997, Mumbai

In wake of Supreme Court judgment with respect to cross-system practices this national debate was organized on ‘Therapeutic Pluralism’. It covered aspects of education and practice of traditional systems of medicine in the context of pluralism, healthcare delivery, research, industry and other related issues.

National Seminar Cum-Workshop Priorities In The Studies Of Indian Medicine & Relevant Research Methods

27th – 29th May 1994, Pune

To identify priorities for research in traditional medicine and to discuss its modalities. Around 200 participants attended the seminar from across the country

Rich benefits were derived by the participants after the event. The workshop objective of equipping the delegates with practical skill sets was fully met.

National Symposium On Safe Motherhood With The Help Of Traditional Medicine.

August 1992,Pune

Deliberations were on Reproductive Child Health including traditional practices, their role, validation and systematic approach for its use in health care delivery.

Third International Conference On Traditional Asian Medicine- ICTAM III

4th to 7th January 1990, Mumbai

The theme of the Congress was ‘The Pluralistic Character of Traditional Asian Medicine’ which was in tune with the thought process happening in the country at that time.

Oraganised on a magnitude never before for the sector, the third ICTAM was an epoch making event of IASTAM India. The WHO supported it. The theme of the congress was ‘The Pluralistic Character of Traditional Asian Medicine’.

The prestigious ‘Basham Award’ was instituted at the III ICTAM in the memory of the Founder President of IASTAM and the great Indologist Prof. A.L. Basham. The award was jointly bestowed upon Prof. Yamada Keji of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies of Kyoto University, Japan & Dr. G.J. Meulenbeld, and retired Prof. of Indology of the University of Groningen, Netherlands for their scholarly work.

Asian Conference On Traditional Asian Medicine (ACTAM)

March, 1983,Mumbai


  • To propagate the message of health promotion, disease prevention and cure with traditional medicines amongst the tribal, rural and urban communities.
  • To highlight the multifaceted role, namely preventive, promotive and curative that traditional system of medicine can play in healthcare.
  • To stimulate research in traditional Asian Systems of Health by pursuing a multidisciplinary approach that will have a bearing on health attitudes and practices of the people.

The Mumbai ACTAM was a turning point in the history of IASTAM India. Its successful conclusion significantly added to the morale & self belief of a fledgling organization. To a large extent it instilled in Iastam a confidence that it would be able to carry the mantle of providing leadership to the indigenous knowledge sector.

Mumbai ACTAM was also instrumental in rekindling the scientific spirit amongst the professionals from the traditional systems of medicine and provided new perspectives of looking at issues and challenges faced by the sector.

National Seminar On Rasayana

March, 1983,Mumbai

The theme of the two day seminar was ‘Rasayana’ Therapy – Rejuvenation & Alternative Therapy.

Contact Us

IASTAM - India
C/o College of Ayurved,
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University,
Dhankawadi, Pune - Satara Road,
Pune - 411043.

+91 20 24373954

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