020 24373954       iastam.india@gmail.com



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IASTAM India is established to develop the study of ‘Indigenous systems of Medicine’ like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Yoga, Tibetan and Ethnic practices that form part of ‘Traditional Asian Medicine’ with an interdisciplinary approach.

These systems rooted in our traditions are required to be studied for their rich ancient & exhaustive knowledge and for their social, cultural, environmental & practice perspectives. Academic programs, professional structures, research and developmental activities are required to derive maximum benefits of these systems to contribute to better health care of our people. It is therefore necessary that the experts from various disciplines such as anthropology, social sciences and history & philosophy with professionals from Yoga, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Tibetan medicine and linguistics & indology get opportunities to share views and experiences with experts from conventional medicine, bio-medical and other pure sciences like phytochemistry, pharmaceutics & biotechnology. Preventive care, promotion of health and to provide solutions to the chronic and difficult medical problems within their cultural milieu are of increasing interest.

IASTAM has recognized the need to develop a distinct methodology for study and research for traditional systems of medicine.

IASTAM aims to provide a platform and encourage activities for systematic positive debate & dialogue and to evolve modalities to enhance such activities across different faculties, cultures and streams of science as well as within and amongst these systems.


  • To study and promote the traditional medical systems in all aspects
  • To link with and represent the international association for all its activities
  • To promote teaching, studies, research and communication in traditional medical systems of india (ayurved, unani, siddha, yoga, tibetan)
  • To co-ordinate the academic, research, pharmaceutical & policy related activities in traditional medical systems in india & abroad
  • To explore ways and means for promotion of traditional asian medicine with the global, governmental & non-governmental institutions & organizations.
  • To establish and promote contacts of with other national & international organizations having similar objectives.
  • To organize conferences, seminars, symposia, refresher courses, training programs etc. On various aspects of traditional asian medicine.
  • To represent & participate in conference, seminars etc. Organized by similar national & international bodies.
  • To affiliate this body with any other international body with identical aims & objects.

Contact Us

IASTAM - India
C/o College of Ayurved,
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University,
Dhankawadi, Pune - Satara Road,
Pune - 411043.

+91 20 24373954

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